The Purcari winery and the seaside city of Odessa (excursion prices at the bottom of the page)
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This visit is led by Alfredo Ferrari
Premiato come miglior Guida turistica 2024 dal Governo Moldavo
Ore 09:00 Incontro con l'accompagnatore e partenza con minibus "deluxe" verso la zona nistreana nel sud-est moldavo ai confini con l'Ucraina per la visita al complesso vitivinicolo "Purcari"Ore 11:00 Arrivo al villaggio di Purcari ed incontro con la guida/sommelier della casa che accompagnerà il gruppo nella visita delle cantine, la zona di produzione del vino e durante la degustazione di 4 tipi di vino (3 vini nel caso di un solo partecipante). A seguire verrà servito il pranzo.Ore 14:00 circa Trasferimento alla città di Odessa in Ucraina passando per la frontiera di PalancaOre 16:00/16:30 Arrivo ad Odessa, la maggiore città (1.010.298 ab.) dell'Ucraina meridionaleOre 18:30/19:00 Partenza per il ritorno a Chisinau che avverrà alle ore 22:00/22:30
The town of Purcari, located about 120 km south-east of the capital, is globally recognized for being the production area of the most delicious Moldovan wines, especially reds. This area, which is wedged between the self-proclaimed Moldavian Republic of Beyond Dniester and Ukraine, enjoys fantastic exposure to the sun for its vines as well as the influence of a relatively mild climate due to the proximity of the Black Sea which provides the right degree of salinity of the clay soil in the area. The smooth slopes rolling gently along the right bank of the Nistru River near the village of Purcari once belonged to the Afono-Zagrafsky monastery. Thanks to these excellent characteristics, this area has attracted many farmers since ancient times who settled there to grow vines. Documented historical facts narrate that the monastery forced the farmers to pay a duty on the production of grapes which was around 1/10 of the total, furthermore the religious forced the farmers to take extreme care of the vines to preserve their excellent quality. It was during the period of the Russian Empire that this area received a great impetus in the development of the wine industry. In 1827 the first production holding company was created in Purcari and was called Hermanson, a name due to a German founder of Russian origin. From this moment Purcari became a point of attraction for many other foreigners who settled there; French (with their native vines), Germans and Russians. Subsequently, during the 19th century, the Russian prince Golytsin and Count Vorontsov who controlled the production of the area had the inspiring idea of replacing part of the native grapes (with low alcohol content) with some varieties coming from Western Europe (especially French) which fit exceptionally well into the morphological and exhibition context of this territory. Grapes such as: Cabernet-Sauvignon, Merlot, Malbec, Game Freo and Pinot, all grapes with very high yield as well as increased sugar accumulation. Nowadays Purcari is characterized by its high production of collectible wines such as Negru and Rosu de Purcari, its excellent Cabernet-Sauvignon de Purcari, Pinot Noir de Purcari and the Kahor dessert wine.
Do you remember the famous staircase in the film "The Battleship Potemkin" by S. Eisenstein?
Well, it is located in Odessa.
In fact, it was in this town that the popular revolt took place in 1905 supported by the mutinous crew of the battleship that gave rise to the famous film. Odessa (in Ukrainian Odesa) is the main center of southern Ukraine, it is an ancient city and home to a large Jewish community. Today its inhabitants are over one million and with the surrounding areas over 2. Located on an inlet of the Black Sea, between the mouths of the Dniester and Dnepr rivers, formerly a port and colony of the Greeks (ancient Odessos), during the 19th century it developed exceptionally from both a demographic and urban perspective.
Oggi è un grande porto commerciale dalla struttura urbanistica assai gradevole, con pianta quadrata e vie larghe e regolari, che si intersecano ad angolo retto. Città dalla spiccata vocazione turistica, è davvero affascinante, tanto che è stata teatro di molti racconti letterari e cinematografici: come appunto la Corazzata Potemkin e i Racconti di Odessa di I. E. Babel. Il centro della città si trova a pochi metri dal mare ed è composto da bassi edifici eleganti, fra i quali spicca il teatro dell'opera e del balletto (1884-87) in stile eclettico, opera di architetti viennesi. Nel parco T.G. Sevcenko sono conservati i resti dell'antica fortezza. Neoclassici sono la vecchia borsa, il palazzo Voroncov, l'ospedale e la Casa Puskin. Il museo archeologico conserva importante materiale greco e romano della zona del mar Nero; la pinacoteca è dedicata principalmente alla pittura russa e ucraina. Si ricordano anche il museo di arte occidentale e orientale e il museo storico-etnografico. Poco distante sorge il Museo della Letteratura, dove potrete immergervi nella vita di artisti ucraini, quali Shevchenko e Franko, e di artisti russi, quali Chekov, Pushkin, Tolstoy e Gorky.